(a) Building materials: Classification and requirements of good stone and brick, Brick manufacturing, harmful ingredients,
testing, constituent of a good brick earth, lime, manufacturing, field‐testing, artificial hydraulic lime;
(b) Timber: classification, structure, seasoning, defects ;
(c) Paints: Constituents, types, characteristics of varnishes.
(d) Concrete technology: Cement: Composition, manufacture, field‐testing, storage; Cement concrete; workability, durability,
characteristic strength, physical tests, Concrete Mix design.
(e) Building construction: Stone masonry: safe permissible loads, brick masonry: bonds, laying, reinforced brick work,
defects, glass block masonry, Partition: Non load bearing, brick, clay block, timber and glass, cavity walls; Dampness: sources,
effects, prevention, materials used, Roof types, Floor type: brick, cement concrete, terrazzo, mosaic, tiled, doors and windows.
(f) Construction equipment: Selection , bulldozer, dumpers, trenchers, excavators, hoe, hoists, graders, piling hammers,
pumps, compressors, bitumen mix plant, rollers, clam shell, aggregate production techniques, crushers.
(g) Determinate Structures : Classification and types of structures, Type of Loads. Simple Stresses and strains: Hooke’s law,
stress strain relationship, Elastic constants and their relations, Thermal stresses. Shear forces and bending moments in beams and SFD and
BMD. Stresses in beams: Direct, Bending, shear and torsion. Principal stresses and strains: Mohr’s circle and ellipse of stresses and
strains.Deflections in beams ‐ Double integration, Macaulay’s method, moment area, conjugate beam. Principle of vitual work ‐
Castigliano’s first theorems, unit load method
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