1. Which one of the following is not correct regarding Meckel’s diverticulum?
(a) It is present at birth
(b) It has ectopic gastric mucosa
(c) Present on the mesenteric border
(d) Technetium scan is a diagnostic investigation

2. Non Union of Scaphoid Bone after fracture may cause
(a) Necrosis
(b) Tenderness
(c) Pain in the wrist
(d) All the above

3. In a malignant melanoma of the skin, the invasion to epidermis, papillary and reticular
dermis refers to Clark’s level:
(a) II
(b) III
(c) IV
(d) V

4. Following are the complications of ectopia vesicae except:
(a) Vesicoureteric reflux
(b) Hydronephrosis
(c) Carcinoma of urinary bladder
(d) Renal failure

5. A 3 year old previously healthy child develops sore throat, stridor and increasing
dyspnoea and becomes severely ill, within a matter of hours, with prostration and
collapse. The most likely clinical diagnosis is:
(a) Acute tonsillitis
(b) Acute pharyngitis
(c) Epiglottitis
(d) Acute laryngotracheobronchitis

6. The quality of bone formation in transplanted bone is best improved by:
(a) Autogenous cortical bone graft
(b) Allogenic cancellous bone graft
(c) Allogenic composite bone graft
(d) Autogenous cancellous bone graft

7. An infant with recurrent abdominal colic, a palpable mass on the right side of the
abdomen and passage of bloody stools is most likely to be suffering from:
(a) Congenital pyloric stenosis
(b) Intussusception
(c) Wilms’ tumour
(d) Amoebiasis

8. Which of the following is not associated with cleft palate?
(a)  Otitis media
(b)  Speech problems
(c)  Detention abnormalities
(d)  Missing teeth in lower jaw

9. Which one of the following bronchial carcinomas has the best prognosis?
(a) Adenocarcinoma
(b) Adenosquamous carcinoma
(c) Squamous carcinoma
(d) Small cell carcinoma

10. The bone most prone to avascular necrosis following a fracture is:
(a) Scaphoid
(b) Humerus
(c) Femur
(d) Talus

11. In a catheter sized 16 F ; 16 F stands for:
(a) 16 mm diameter at the tip of catheter
(b) 16 inch diameter
(c) 16 mm circumference
(d) 1.16 mm circumference

12. Thinning of cornea occurs in:
(a) Megalocornea
(b) Keratoconus
(c) Endothelial dystrophy
(d) Bullous keratopathy

13. Pseudo membranous colitis is caused by which of the following organisms?
(a) Clostridium difficile
(b) E. coli
(c) Clostridium perfringens
(d) Shigella

14. Monitoring of antiretroviral treatment in a case of HIV is based on:
(a) Lymphocyte count
(b) CDS count
(c) CD4 Count
(d) Platelet Count

15. All of the following are clinical presentations of hypercalcemia except:
(a) Polyuria
(b) Diarrhoea
(c) Abdominal pain
(d) Psychosis

16. Which one of the following is not a feature of measles (Rubeola)?
(a) Usually occurs in childhood
(b) Incubation period is about 10 days
(c) Resolution occurs with scarring
(d) Koplik’s spots are characteristic

17. Chlamydial infection can lead to all of the following diseases except:
(a) Trachoma
(b) Appendicitis
(c) Atypical pneumonia
(d) Urethritis

18. Gum hypertrophy can be seen in:
(a) ALL
(b) AML
(c) CLL
(d) CML

19. A newborn baby is defined as very Low Birth Weight baby if the birth weight is:
(a) Below 2000 gm
(b) Below 1750 gm
(c) Below 1500 gm
(d) Below 2250 gm

20. Mycoplasma pneumoniae characteristically may produce complications except:
(a) Stevens‐Johnson syndrome
(b) Raynaud’s phenomenon
(c) Rapid and severe haemolysis due to cold agglutinin
(d) Pericardial tamponade

21. Which of the following is not advised for breast abscess in a lactating mother?
(a) Administer analgesics
(b) Abscess may be incised and drained
(c) Administer antibiotics
(d) Stop breast milk to infant

22. Obesity in children is defined as:
(a) Body Mass Index (BMI) more than 95th percentile for age
(b) Body Mass Index (BMI) more than 90th percentile for age
(c) Body Mass Index (BMI) more than 85th percentile for age
(d) Body Mass Index (BMI) more than 97th percentile for age

23. Polymorphonuclear  leucocytosis is seen in which one of the following ?
(a) Whooping cough
(b) Typhoid
(c) Pneumococcal infection
(d) Tuberculosis

24. The anticonvulsant drug of choice for infantile spasms (West syndrome) is:
(a) Phenytoin sodium
(b) Phenobarbitone
(c) Eptoin
(d) Carbamazepine
(e) None of the above

25. The most common infective cause of retinal disease with HIV infection is:
(a) Toxoplasmosis
(b) Cytomegalo virus infection
(c) Cryptococcal infection
(d) Parvo virus infection
(e) All the above

26. Which one of the following tests is done to detect subclinical infection in tuberculosis
of intestine?
(a) X‐ray abdomen
(b) Interferon‐gamma release assay
(c) Ultrasound of abdomen
(d) Barium meal and follow through
