1. An adverse reaction to a drug is an undesirable and usually response.
A. expected
B. unanticipated
C. mild D. allergic
E. fatal

2. In aging, there is diminished renal blood flow, and ,
A. reabsorption
B. increased filtration
C. increased secretion

3. Lorabid is a broad-spectrum oral antibiotic used to treat infections.
A. bone
B. brain
C. joint
D. skin
E. gastrointestinal

4. This drug formerly used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease will no longer be marketed in the U.S.
A. Propulsid
B. Pin-X
C. Rezulin
D. Doxicin
E. Acetylate

5. Trexan is administered to the person after total from the narcotic.
A. intoxication
B. rehabilitation
C. addiction
D. detoxification

6. Compazine is more often used as an antiemetic; can be used for
A. diarrhea
B. constipation
C. sleep
D. sedation
E. antacid

7. Aciphex is indicated for long-term treatment of disease.
A. Addison's
B. Zollinger-Ellison
C. Diarrhea
D. Gastric acid
