1. Planner bed is made of ___________
a) Cast iron
b) Wrought iron
c) steel
d) Aluminum
e) None of the above

2. Face plate is used for holding the ________
a) Already finished jobs
b) Hollow jobs
c) Square type jobs
d) Irregular jobs
e) None of the above

3. Which among the following is not part of a combination set?
a) Stock
b) Center head
c) Square head
d) Protector Head
e) None of the above

4. Mandrel is used
a) For taper turning
b) for holding the live centre
c) By holding in four jaw
d) for turning the other surface of job completely
e) None of the above
5. Melting point of copper is
a) 12800
b) 10830
c) 10500
d) 9400
e) None of the above

6. In heavy duty jack have caliper is ______ m.m
a) Acume
b) Butters
c) Square
d) V-thread
e) None of the above

7.  The distance between two teeth of a blade is called_________
a) Lead
b) Pitch
c) Margin
d) None of the above

8. Which among the following is the lightest metal?
a) Lead
b) Copper
c) Aluminum
d) Tin
e) None of the above

9. The least count of avenger outside micrometer is ______
a) 0.01mm
b) 0.10mm
c) 0.00111mm
d) 0.0001mm
e) None of the above

10.  H.S.S shaper tool can resist heat ______
a) About 8000 c
b) About 9000 c
c) About 6000 c
d) About 12000 c
e) None of the above
